Embedding tweets

We have tried to create a post from embedded tweets but the embed code breaks on write.as. write.as also doesn’t display embedded tweets the way other platforms do, or include the images and links embedded with them. We only see plain text. Is this a known issue, or something that could be developed? We would love to see this feature.

We do block in-line Javascript right now, which Twitter’s embed codes use. But we can definitely improve this. Likely, we’ll allow you to just paste in the tweet URL and then we’ll automatically convert that to the full embedded tweet.


Yes, please!
For now, when importing articles from other platforms, I’m having to convert the embeded tweets to a screenshots plus the link.

Hello @thewhiterosesociety!

This might be a little late but I just wanted to put out there some code to help with embedding tweets on Write.as. It requires that you have a Pro plan enabled to edit the Custom Javascript of your site.

Go into Customize for your blog, scroll down to Custom Javascript, and add the following :

// src: https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js

Then go ahead and copy the embedded tweet code and paste it into the post. To center align the tweet, make sure to add ‘tw-align-center’ to the class of the block quote It’ll be on the first line.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet tw-align-center">

The end result should look something like this. I hope this helps! And a shout out to @digitalgyoza for sharing this solution in his post about cool ways to tailor your Write.as blog.

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This didn’t work for me, and your link is a broken link.

Is there something else I can try?

Sure! Here is a new link to test things out. This is how I embedded that tweet:

First, I made sure to add the JavaScript like I mentioned above. That will allow the tweet to render as a card. Then I go to the tweet in question and click Embed Tweet. That will take me to a screen like this. I copy the code and bring it over to the Write.as editor.

Now if you publish that as is, the tweet will naturally align to the left. If you want to make it align center, you will need to add tw-align-center to the class in the blockquote element. Then it looks like this:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet tw-align-center">

That will make it align center. Hope that helps! I would gladly walk you through it further @jasoncomely, especially if there is a certain snag creating problems.


Thank you CJ :slight_smile: This is the kind of thing I’d love to see in a Write.as “recipe” book.

No worries @jasoncomely! You are totally right about that kind of thing being in a Write.as “recipe” book too.

Wow! Thank you! This is great!

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In case you missed it, this feature is live now! No workarounds needed as a Pro user – just paste the tweet URL into the body and it’ll automatically turn into a nice-looking, embedded tweet. More info here: