Hi @cjeller1592 If possible I’d like to share it with GPL v3 indeed.
Thanks for the sharing!
Your blog is wonderful!
I am glad you posted about it here! I subscribed straight away.
Aww, thank you so much for the kind words @Melyanna!! We’ve been having a lot of fun with it :^) I just took a look at your lovely blog as well and subscribed! Looking forward to digging into your archives.
I am running a personal blog in French here https://blog.byl.fr/. The design is inspired and adapted from Carbontwelve theme and modified A LOT
Congratulations and many thanks for what you’ve been doing with Writefreely. This is a great piece of software.
Sure thing! My blog is Darnell (Seize The Day) & I primarily write about Fediverse tech (along with tips). I also occasionally throw shade at Twitter.
Thanks, I’ve added these!
well, you want to know if I’ll be using my instance for a while. umm… yeah; I think so. I’ve kept a server running for about 3 or 4 years already as “scrit”, but it isn’t public because it is so low power. I recently installed it to a micro-footprint box about the size of a coffee cup, and I keep it stashed behind my laptop. I suppose I should mention that I drink coffee out of big mugs, though. it boots and runs write.as without a monitor or keyboard. it doesn’t even log in. this will be it’s home until that box expires. if you really want to feature it, I can get a screenshot or whatever else. I guess the best reason to feature it is the stand-alone, no login, always available personal server aspect. your choice. LMK
We have joined write freely with http://blogs.mpaq.org if you would like to add us at MPAQ. (Note: the front end site uses HTTP not HTTPS)
Sometimes I write about my programming projects and/or books I’ve read.
The CSS isn’t mine, I used one of the example templates.
I write about hiring trends in the animation industry: https://blog.cartoonrecruit.com
Also going for something of a modern Web 1.0 vibe.
I keep seeing this, but haven’t added mine. I write about design, technology, and the human experience. Usually about their intersectionality. I also heavily modified the Write.as theme with my own design.