Hey there,
I’m trying to upload about 90 entries as markdown text files to one of my blogs using the Write.as API. The purpose is to upload my archive of translated works before I can start uploading new ones. For this, I am using the Go text importer that is listed as an example of the API usage. The README itself mentions the possibility of using wildcards to upload several anonymous posts (which I would prefer so I can review each before posting it publicly). As such, I run this command: go/bin/writeas-import -u actuallydael coll/poetry/*/*.md
, and it can only upload around one or two posts before it gives me errors while publishing:
Publishing...Created post ... from coll/poetry/...
Reading file...OK
Publishing...error publishing coll/poetry/...: EOF
Reading file...OK
Publishing...error publishing coll/poetry/...: EOF
Reading file...OK
Publishing...error publishing coll/poetry/...: Request: Post "https://write.as/api/posts": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
Reading file...OK
Publishing...error publishing coll/poetry/...: Request: Post "https://write.as/api/posts": dial tcp connect: connection refused
Reading file...OK
I thought to myself that I was being ratelimited, which I can kind of understand, although I am using a password to log in after all, so it didn’t make that much sense. The surprise came when I tried to open https://write.as on my web browser only to find that I couldn’t even access the page. The entire page, as well as my blogs were not accessible to me after being “ratelimited”, and only returned back to normal after several minutes. While I can understand the ratelimiting to some extent (even though once again, I am using an account), I don’t understand why the page would be blocked completely, including my own blogs, for several minutes after this. I haven’t labeled it as a bug because it may be intended behavior, but I really hope it’s not.
Are the errors while using the CLI supposed to happen? Is there ratelimiting on the API while using accounts? Why does the assumed ratelimit affect my capability of viewing my own blogs? Does it have to be so long?
Thank you.