Differences between Write.as and WriteFreely

Write.as is our official instance of WriteFreely, and includes additional functionality on top of the base product. Here’s a list of the differences, and reasons they’re not included in WF.

  • Anonymous (no-signup) publishing. We left this out of WF because while it’s a nice feature, it requires an immense amount of admin work to keep spam and abuse at bay. Most admins would probably decide that the feature isn’t worth the trouble.

  • Publish via email. This is a fairly complex feature that we ultimately didn’t see a ton of demand for, so we decided not to spend the necessary time on bringing it to WF. If we see more demand for it, it may come to WF.

  • Cross-posting to Twitter, Ghost, and Tumblr. This requires additional administrative work and needs more development on our part to support various configurations. We’d like to eventually include this in WF.

  • Subdomain and custom domain support. Right now this isn’t in WF because it adds more administrative work configuring a server, instructing users, generating SSL certificates, etc. We may support it eventually.

  • Custom Javascript. All WF blogs on a multi-user instance show up on a path, e.g. example.com/my-blog/, so custom Javascript can be a security risk. We also disable the custom Javascript on path-based Write.as blogs, but allow that for blogs on subdomains or custom domains.

  • Email subscriptions. This is coming to WriteFreely in v1.0!

  • Automated password resets. This is dependent on an email system being in place. It should arrive in v1.0, along with email subscriptions.

  • eBook Downloads. This feature is still incomplete, but we want to bring it to WF once it covers all the basics.

  • Write.as Labs. This is our test ground, where we try out new potential features before launching them for everyone. The idea for successful features is to eventually bring them to WF.

I’ll update this over time, as things change.


Thank you!


Would this mean that any update to WriteFreely is rolled out automatically to write.as users?
Or is there any difference there?

Yep, that’s right! New WriteFreely features are rolled out on Write.as once they’re accepted and considered stable. This can mean different timelines for new features, but these updates do happen continuously, and separate from official WriteFreely releases.

This month @cjeller1592 and I will be restarting our monthly updates on the Write.as Blog, so everyone knows what’s coming out on the platform. Hopefully that should help with this!

That is great to hear! :slight_smile:
And thank you for the clarification!

Hello Melyanna,

I have written an article on write.as but i want to know than how can i add head lines and how to link any word with link is here because i am not getting any option their can you help me.
My topic is - Lothlorien crushes the domestic retail Market In New Zealand.

I am not a power user, so I can suggest that you look at this guide here?
It sounds like you need to read up on markdown (it’s really simple once you get used to it).
Let me page @cjeller1592 so he can support with how to use the forums. :slight_smile:

Is there an updated list of features present in write.as that are absent but planned for writefreely, or absent and that will remain absent?

This would certainly help those of us running self-hosted WF — either by encouraging us to wait for feature X which is planned, or to switch to write.as for a must-have feature which is absent and unplanned.

With thanks

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