We just pushed an addition to Write.as blogs that we’d love for you to see and get your feedback on. It resolves a long-requested feature.
The publish date for blog posts now shows on a post when a collection is set to the “Blog” display format, making individual post pages consistent with the blog’s index page. Here is what it looks like on such a a blog post:
Styling how this publish date appears is easy. Go into your blog’s Customize settings, scroll down to “Custom CSS”. and use the following code as a template:
If you don’t want the published date to appear at all, feel free to change your blog’s Display Format to “Notebook.” This keeps the blog in a reverse chronological order while removing the publish dates on the blog posts and index page
Perfect timing. I was looking for a way to make publish dates appear on a post because it throws me off whenever I get a random post from my site and not have context on when it was published. I was thinking I could do it by using Javascript to get the published date from the meta properties, but this takes away the need to do that, awesome!
This did not work for me. First I got a couple of error messages saying that body was over-qualified and should be removed. So I did that, but still don’t see dates.
I am using the Novel Display Format. Is that why? Or something else?
If the Novel format is the problem, any alternative custom css that would work?
Hi @economic-networks – you can safely ignore the warning about the body. But the Novel display format hides dates, which is why the custom CSS doesn’t work.
Would you like to see a display format similar to the Novel format, where posts are in chronological order but the dates show up?