Accessibility and SEO updates

There are a couple of structural things I’d love to see updated in the templates:

  1. Meta language tags. Either a full meta tag or a lang attribute on the HTML tag. If the idea is be flexible for any language, perhaps you could ask for a language in account settings to declare the value.
  2. Replace the h1 tag that’s used for the blog title with another tag (except on the main screen, where it’s appropriate). The h1 should be reserved for the content titles to improve accessibility and SEO. Both rely on that tag to introduce a page’s content. On a post, the title is far more important as a descriptor than the blog name.

Thanks for considering these.

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mmm both points would be very useful.


I support this. See this post for more details.


There’s a little “vote” button at the top. It’s not obvious. But click it to see how cool it is. :joy:

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Yup, voted!


Voted too!

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Thanks for suggesting these updates! As mentioned in @justinf’s thread, we can definitely address the h1 issue – there’s just a blocker we need to address, mentioned here:

As for the meta language tags, you should see those on individual posts, which each have their own language value.

But we definitely need a default for the blog landing page, too. That was previously suggested in this feature request: Add default blog language. I’ve started working on this, but it’s a little tricky especially when people write in multiple languages on the same blog. I can take another look at that soon.

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Yay! Not gonna lie. I’m a little giddy to see my feature referenced in your task tracker. was a great move for me. I’m super happy to be here. Thanks for caring about us, @matt.