I’ve seen here that Writefreely has been translated in many languages ! That’s amazing, and I’m setting things up to create a french Writefreely platform with Yunohost, but I can’t find where or how I can propose the french version of Writefreely to my french fellows…
Can anyone please help me ? That would be great !
Hi @mathieunicolas, that’s great to hear! Are you mostly looking for help finding people to join your WriteFreely site? If so, we’d be happy to promote it in any way we can!
Hello @matt ! That’s very kind of you, I’m writing some doc and conducting some tests to check if everything is OK and works fine, then I would be glad to require your help to promote the project !
About this french translation question, I still don’t understand how I can set Writefreely in french… Maybe because I use a YuNoHost OS to install and manage Writefreely ?
Hello again ! I hope I’m not missing something so obvious that nobody can answer me, I’d be ashamed !!
I dug into the file trees of the Writefreely installation and found some template files. By translating them, I can modifiy the interface. I’ll start the job tomorrow, hoping it has not been done elsewhere, in a place I’ve not came by yet.
Right now, translations only happen on individual posts. Each post has an assigned language, and we automatically translate certain blog elements based on that. But otherwise, the user-facing app is in English.
That would be the best way to completely translate it, yep. If you can also share your modifications, we’d love to bring your translations into the main app when we’re ready!
hello again @matt ! For now, I canceled my project about setting up a writefreely instance, but I just bought a pro sub on write.as and I really would like to help translating your app in french.
Is it possible to work together ? Maybe you could add an option that would allow to choose the language displayed on write.as/writefreely, and if you send me the files I would have to translate I can send you back the files once translated ?
Hi, maybe the french translation needs an update ?
There is indeed something strange, it is “Lire la suite…” here but on my instance (https://write.tedomum.net/ ) it is “En savoir plus…” and I feel that “Lire la suite” is better suited.
Maybe it just need to be updated again (the translation I mention is one year old whereas the others are older).
Translating Writefreely is not easy at the moment and I’m not even sure it can be fully translated without changing the source and recompiling the whole thing.
I translated v0.12.0 to the Catalan language, just replacing the text strings that are hardcoded in the templates. Now with the 0.13.1 release I need to retranslating everything again as some templates have changed.
However, there’re also text strings in the Javascript files, which I’m afraid of touching as I don’t want to break anything. It also seems like the flash messages are sent in plain English from the backend, is that right? so translating that would mean changing the source and recompiling.
The new Classic editor seems to be available in English only, or at least I haven’t been able to figure out how to change its default locale.
There’s also something I find a bit annoying, by default new posts are set to English and there seems that default can’t be change either. All my posts are in Catalan and I need to change that for every post, I guess users will just forget that one step and posts will be tagged as English instead.
So translating Writefreely right now is time consuming and error prone. I’m not complaining, just sharing my two cents, I know it’s in an early stage and some things will improve in future releases. Writefreely is a great tool for creating small communities and I appreciate a lot all the effort you guys are putting into it.
So, I just translated all of the pages and templates on WriteFreely 0.15.1 into Spanish, and as far as I can tell, all of the user-facing content is completely translated, except for some page titles.
I think the page titles on the pages not able to be changed from the templates can be set using JavaScript document.title, but I have not really tried it.
I do have the files on my PC, but I’m not really sure how to share them