Tutorial for Writefreely

I have put together a tutorial to install Writefreely that most anyone can follow and have success with installation. I have installed several using my own tutorial so I know it works and works well.

The tutorial is HERE.. It took me a while to get it correct and a little longer to be certain it worked but all in a days work. It is for WF v15. Will update when anything new comes up as to versions.


Been a while since I did my install, but that would have been immensely helpful I think. Nice work.

This is a great in-depth tutorial, @Crow – thanks for sharing!

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I am only to happy to participate. At seventy-six and this being rather new to me I am probably having more fun with Writefreely than should be allowed by law. I am not a guy who could put together the software but I am used to getting things to work when I put my mind to it. What’s left of my mind that is. ;0)


One other thing. Please, copy and publish this tutorial on your own websites as I am old and don’t know if I will have this up forever. I am just happy to contribute in my own small way.

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Due to server problems I have moved this tutorial to https://abcro.cloud. I have also refined it a bit for easier comprehension. ACrowe

link only gives a login page, is there another for the blog itself?

I had pinned it so it shows the link below the main heading. It is a bit obscure against the dark background I see. Here is the direct link: Write Freely — abcro. Thanks for letting me know. ACrowe

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Try this: abcro — ABCro

My sincere apologies. Somewhere in the transfer of the code from one website to another I inadvertently cut off a piece of code. I discovered my dumb mistake just now and it is fixed. I used the tutorial to put up a website for an attempt at a novel and you can check it here: https://thec.onl . I used the repaired tutorial to put this website up and it worked smooth as glass. Again, my terribly sheepish apology to any who I messed up in my haste. ACrowe

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needs the ssl cert sorting for that site :wink: