Tut Student

I wanted to post this as an old man of seventy-five. A few years back I decided I needed to begin learning how to install and use servers rather than continue with shared hosting. In my rather undisciplined manner of not knowing what I was doing I tried and failed more times than I can count. Writefreely evaded me as to decent tutorials, all different. I finally found one that cut out a lot of superfluous steps and got a few instances up. That’s my background.

What I was going to ask is that tutorials be written for such as installing new versions ( now v15) that allow a person such as myself who will never be an IT type to better understand how to upgrade as reading on GIT is beyond my ability to fully understand. Given time I could be knowledgeable but time is no longer my companion. I do hope that I don’t sound selfish as in my travels on the internet I have found many who cannot get off the ground due to the difficulty of finding tutorials that are up to date or that aren’t written by people like me who really depend on luck rather than knowledge. I love this and will do it as long as possible. ACrowe