Top question for newbies

Hi everyone, i am new here! After subscription i am search many answer for my question and dont find it. So i am share this for new ideas product. Maybe @matt think use this.

  1. Can we make a static homepage? Because many blog have a “start here” homepage. At least maybe we can pin the top one post homepage.

  2. I see dont have a native search system. So can we make nice looking archive page? I dont mean tag spesific archive. Only date and article name archive page like this. If it possible, this is good looking, useful page and partially replace search box.

  3. If we have a nice post and fear stole other website, we need a fast google bot indexing other websites. So how we can after the publish new article ping google bots?

  4. Can we translate “subscribe” and other english text? If it yes, i can translate on Turkish. I see many people using in Turkey.

Hi there @ccan !

  1. Currently you cannot create a static homepage but feel free to make a feature request here for it if you’d like! However, you can definitely pin a “start here” post to the top as a static page. We have a how-to guide on that if that’s what you want to do.

  2. While there isn’t a native search system, we have listed some ways to create a search page on your blog in this forum post. You can definitely make an archive page if you’d like. @dino created a really nice archive page for his blog using a Glitch app that automatically updates as you publish more. We made this into a starter app that you can use for your blog. Will just have to ask @dino what he did to get his archive looking like it does on his blog (some height/width adjustment I am assuming)

  3. Every blog has a sitemap that you can ping to Google. It looks something like this: All you need to do is add that URL to Google’s ping address like so:

  4. You can translate the “Subscribe” button and other text. We use POEditor for this. Feel free to join & make add the Turkish translations with the invite link here:

Thanks for asking bring up these questions! Let me know if you need any clarification or have further questions. I am sure anyone in the community or myself can help if needed.


All I did was adjust the height in the Glitch embed script. Also added custom css to reduce the extra spacing that Glitch embedded apps come with.

.glitch-embed-wrap {
    margin-top: -50px;
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