I’ve used Write.as in the past (a whiiiiiile ago!), substack, blogspot, jekyll on Netlify, Hugo on netlify, a self hosted HTML5 website, wordpress, Ghost (Pro), CargoSite, Webflow, Unicorn Platform and a bunch of others that don’t exist anymore.
My main issue with Write.as, and some of the other CMS’s such as Hugo, or Jekyll, is that you’ll find maybe 1 nice looking theme, but it’ll be outdated or not working or maintained anymore (and please don’t take this personally) but…
It’s like all the developers of these themes on Write.as have no fucking idea how important aesthetics are. What is this? Windows 95 still?
We have Teslas, Apple watches, Lofi, Disney+ and we’re creating self aware algorithms but we can’t make something look good and functional?
Write as reminds me shoes like the Sketchers brand. Functional, good price point, comfortable and ergonomic, but only your grandpa wears theme because most youths wouldn’t want to be seen dead in a pair of sketchers. We’d rather have wonky feet and wear some Nike Airforce, or jordans.
I’ve browsed the themes page and a lot of the themes, like Dark Theme, don’t have the same theme as the preview image anymore, or in the case of Crop Lee just don’t exist anymore, leaving me with ugly themes like writespace-as or Gabnotes (can’t like, link limit).
I can’t code my own theme because I don’t know enough about javascript to implement the features I’m looking for.
Can we please get some sexy themes please?
Here are some good examples for theme developers to take notes from.
Examples of good solid themes on the other platforms I’ve used are:
P.S. Would post more but have a limit.
&& Used to work as UX/UI designer back when Photoshop was considered the standard and before Macaw got bought by Adobe.