I just want to share with a small hack I made to automatically post on medium my write.as posts.
Create a blog on tumblr. I created a simple one just for use with this integration: bacciotti.tumblr.com
Connect your write.as account to tumblr (using configuration page on write.as)
Create an account at zapier (www.zapier.com) and inside that create a new “zap”. In this integration you will have to enable access from zapier to both your write.as and tumblr accounts. (more details: https://zapier.com/apps/tumblr/integrations/medium)
Create a post on tumblr before finishing the zapper creation to test.
That´s it. I just created the zap and made 2 tests:
Creating the post straight in tumblr
Creating a new post on write.as
In both tests a new story was created accordingly on Medium.
Well, I am using a free account on zappier so I´ll let you know if it will keep working. This free account allows 1.000 runs on a month, more than enough to my needs (6-7 posts monthly).
I hope it can help others,