Hi, I’m just wondering if the gps metadata on a photo is removed when uploaded to Snap.as?
Sorry for the long wait @dino! My initially impression is that I think Snap.as strips the GPS metadata. We’ll have to test that out though - good question! Have you noticed anything when trying?
Usually I manually strip off the gps metadata on a photo before uploading to Snap.as, so everything I have on my Snap.as account did not have that metadata in the first place. I’ll try uploading a photo with gps metadata and see what happens. My hope though is that Snap.as just strips it off, so users don’t have to manually do that before uploading.
Just to update this thread, I took a picture with location services turned on. I verified that the photo had GPS metadata. I uploaded the photo to snap.as and used it in a post. When I tried to download the image from the post, the photo did not have GPS metadata. So that’s good!
Thanks for testing that. These are the little gotchas one tends to easily forget. On iOS I use the Metapho app to strip metadata, but there are probably times one forgets.
No problem guys.