Sitemap.xml unresponsive

I was trying to fiddle with the sitemap.xml today (mostly because I can’t think of a simpler way to get a list of everything on my site, and I’ve lost track of what all I’ve created there). But when I try to view it, I get a page that says

{"code":503,"error_msg":"We're experiencing high load at the moment."}

I know there was a problem with spammers a while ago, and I know @matt has been busy and not able to respond here, but does anyone know if there’s some other way to get a sitemap?


Ahh. the archive is what I was looking for.

Apparently I’ve been busy. Nine pages of stuff.

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The Archive page will definitely work for that! But yeah, I think this error will just show up on blogs with a ton of posts – it takes us a little too long to generate the sitemap, so that error message shows up. Definitely want to optimize that, so thanks for bringing this up!

Thanks for responding, and hope things are settling down for you a bit. I don’t know about others, but I miss you around here.

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Really appreciate that, @davepolaschek. Definitely miss being around here, and things should be a lot calmer for me in April – so should be around much more then.