Response Posts for Discussion Between Authors

Does this happen because only displays posts within a certain time frame?

@cjeller1592, your solution sounds interesting because it would make responses even more useful.

That’s right @nibl - the RWa site and the API displays up to 250 of the latest posts while the RSS feed displays the last 100. The RWa site/API caches the results for a couple minutes and then updates it with new posts (which is why there is a buffer time between publishing to your Public blog and seeing it on RWa).

If we were to make a DM app that used the RWa API, setting up the app to do the first couple of RWa pages would be more viable. Otherwise it’d tax the servers to make an API call for all 25 pages every time you refresh the app.

I’d be more than happy to explore this option further. Thinking about it more, all we’d have to do is store the post’s ID that has the response hashtag. Once we have the ID we can call the post up and render it however you want to in the app.