Rel attribute in posts is removed

Hey, all.

In order for a verified link on Mastodon to work, one must add a rel="me" attribute to a link back to the Mastodon account.

I’m successfully doing this from my profile. However, when adding it into the content area of a post, the attribute is stripped. Example:

You can see the rel in the editor, but not in the source when published.

Any thoughts?

doesn’t it simplify the html if you switch between modes, stripping some stuff? Might have to leave in one editing mode and recheck. I’m curious why you need it in the content though?

Both good questions, Nigel:

  1. I know about the mode switching issue. I should have specified that I only ever use Markdown, so that’s not the issue here.
  2. I have the attribute in profile block, so the link to the root page gets verified. I could also include it in the signature block, which would work great for the post pages. However, this is a pinned post, and those posts don’t pull in the signature block. So that’s why I’m trying to include it in the post itself.


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I mean: why do you need rel=me on a post page? Are you linking to that specific page from somewhere?

I have it only in the settings option and it works to verify my site from snac/fediverse fine.

oh I guess if you needed more than one that could become an issue :thinking:

Good call. I assumed that would add the meta tag across all pages, but it doesn’t. It only adds it to the main page. Article pages don’t use it. That’s either a bug or there’s an intentional reason. Either way, that’s the issue for me.

@matt is there a reason the meta tag for verification only appears on the main page?