Post Order

I may be using in an unusual manner. I have a number of related stories/posts already written and saved, either on other sites, or on one of my hard drives.
Because I am writting in Novel format, I want a particular order to the posts I post on my blog.
The blog automatically orders the post by posted on date. Being able to change the order of the posts, once there are published on would be a handy feature.

Currently my options seem to be these:
Open a second blog and transfer the posts in a new order.
Use the backup system, delete all the posts on the blog and repost in the required order.

Is there an easier way to change the post order?


When editing a post, you can edit post metadata by clicking on the ⓘ icon and change the date in here. Don’t know if it will be convenient enough in your case, but that’s the simplest trick I’ve found.


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That works. Thank you.

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