NSFW filters for posts, especially when shared to Read.Write.As

Please… I feel this should be a mandatory inclusion.

The state of Read.write.as is already extremely questionable as it is without this type of post being freely unfiltered.

Im all for free speech but the option for hiding NSFW content on Read.write.as should be a thing. Especially if, like me, you subscribe to the Read.write RSS feed. No warnings are a bit of a minefield.

I note the following is in the guidelines…

Be mindful of this

Read Write.as is regularly visited by thousands of people every month, in various places. For certain content, we don’t explicitly prohibit it, but ask that you be self-aware and considerate of others.

  • Not Safe for Work (NSFW) content . As a courtesy to readers, if you decide to make your NSFW blog public, please:
    • Ensure your post title is Safe for Work (SFW), even if it’s suggestive
    • Use the <!--more--> tag to limit the excerpt that shows up on Read Write.as
    • Add a #nsfw hashtag somewhere in your postThis will help readers decide whether or not to read your content.

Thanks for noting this @digitalgyoza! It looks like the team already took it off of the Read write.as feed.

It makes me wonder if there should be a WriteFreely instance where people can write like this without crowding the feeds of folks who don’t want NSFW content. That way everyone wins. What do you think?

It’s still there!

I think the most straightforward solution would be to add a NSFW checkbox next to the publish post icon within write freely and write.as. If ticked, this would automatically label the post with a NSFW tag, and limit the post to a title on the Read.write feed like

“[NSFW] Title of post”.

and an auto excerpt that says something like

“This post is marked NSFW” or “Contains NSFW content”.

I don’t quite agree with pushing users away to a separate instance just because they wish to write certain content.

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Dang my bad! I didn’t look farther down to see it. @matt should be able to take care of it swiftly.

Love the idea though. It sounds similar to what can be done on Mastodon instances. And you are right, we wouldn’t want to push people away if they want to, well, write freely!

What do you think of the possibility of a WriteFreely instance where people can write NSFW content without having to check that box, knowing that it is the nature of the instance? That is what I was trying to get at with the suggestion.

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