Not right now, but that would be a nice thing to add.
How would you like to see that work? In your example, would that list posts that contain both ExampleTag1 and ExampleTag2? Or would they match posts that container either ExampleTag1 or ExampleTag2?
You can do this with a bit of CSS – on the blog index, you’d work on the articles, like this:
I was originally asking for it to show all posts that had either tag, but I can totally see how it could also be really useful in other ways to have it show all posts that include both.
Hmm, there’s no way to do that at the moment, @jalvarezm. But I think we’ll be adding more advanced tag filtering abilities soon, so maybe we can include this capability, too.
I know it’s an old topic but any news on this?
I’m interested in having URLs that would send people to a category merging several tags. I’ve tried the “+” and “,” as mentioned in hale’s suggestion above, but it didn’t work so I’m guessing either this was never actually developed and made possible, or the URL is just written differently.
Grateful for any help