Text between == and == should be highlighted according to markdown.
For me it does not on my write.as blog. Anyone else experiencing the same?
“Markdown” is more than one thing - and the hightlighting isn’t very common.
Not saying it wouldn’t be nice - but it’s far from standard.
Thanks for pointing that out! Maybe something write.as could integrate in the future?
Yeah, perhaps. However, the editor has HTML support (which contrbutes to why I think they want to keep the Markdown itself simple), and that made me think:
Could what you want be solved with that? And it can!
Here’s what I wrote:
Could we highlight text by using HTML?
Yes, <mark>I think we could to that</mark> - but without changing the CSS, it's yellow by default.
However, we can <mark style="background: #00ced1!important">change the color</mark> with some inline CSS.
And here’s what that looks like on write.as:
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