Increase the size of site title?

It looks a little small to me and I’d like to increase its size. Is it possible to do that? If so, how would I do it? (I don’t know CSS or Java)

Go to Blogs > > Customization. Scroll down to where there’s a custom CSS pane.
That’s where you’ll past in a customer CSS stylesheet. CSS = Custome StyleSheets.

All these are are snips of CSS syntax that change how various HTML elements in a page are rendered by your browser.

For example: here’s one for WriteAs:

Yes, in your browser this CSS code renders as its code, but when included/referenced properly by an HTML page a browser will interpret it correctly.

So what I’d suggest is go to a Writefreely page that contains all the markup elements you want to style (here’s a cheat sheet I made: writefreely Writer’s Guide - Cheat Sheet — Third Spruce Tree On The Left ( Save that as an HTML page on your computer. Then go find a freeware/trialware CSS editor - how most of them work is you load the HTML page, then you start customizing styles and it re-renders the loaded HTML page as you change the stylesheet.

Once you’re done, copy/paste the CSS code from that program into the Custom CSS pane in WriteFreely>blog>Customize page.