I'm silenced after 3 bad try due to html tag in a post

I’m new here
First, sorry for my little english.

I’m silenced.
Due to 3 bad try of a post where is html tags.
I was searching which ones and don 't find what block ?

In the blocked post, i suppose that was a link to a famous french site “50 millions de consommateurs” to inform customers.
I’m not a developper nor hacker and my acknowledge of html is small.
To find the good way to write a post, i simply “publish” to see the acceptance or not.
This time, my post was rejected 3 times without i found the bad line.
And so, i’m silenced.

i have found the explanation pages for html only after my blocked post.
this one => Adding HTML — How to Use Write.as

I precise that all of my posts are my own writing work that i try to make beautiful to read.
I don’t promote or try to sell anything.

I was happy to find your site and want to use it in accordance with your regles

Thanks to help me

Je vous remercie pour toute l’aide apportée aux personnes désirant contribuer à votre succès.
Et comme vous ne semblez pas en avoir besoin, je migre vers wordpress qui est bien plus tolétant que write.as et Cie.

Le tout en étant autant gratuit et pas plus cher que write.Cie

Bonne continuation à vous