Hashtag bug

For writefreely v0.13.2, when clicking any tag, it shows the error message: This page is missing.Are you sure it was ever here?


For writefreely v0.13.1 the tag is working.

But it only shows the latest 10 posts even there are more than 10 posts using the same tag.
The function of turning to an older (newer) page is missing.
https://paper.wf/temp/tag:tagtest/page/2 shows 404 page not found.

However the official writefreely site works fine.

I checked other instances, not only one instance has these problems (as I described above, v.0.13.2 hashtag is not working at all, v.0.13.1 hashtag is partially working), I guess there might be something wrong with the official releasing pack v.0.13.2.
Can you please check and fix these bugs?

I’ve got the same problem. I just updated to v0.14.0 and it is still there. All tag indexes just say “Page not found.”

Looks like you already found it, but this is tracked on GitHub – let’s continue discussing here:

Its been over a year and the version seems to have moved on… wondering if anyone has some ideas on workarounds?