Font hosting?

Hi team,
It would be awesome to have an easy way to host fonts :slight_smile:
Setting up my hosted blog I struggled a lot with getting custom fonts to work because of CORS restrictions. It would be awesome to have a service similar to but with font files instead. maybe

This worked for me (in the custom CSS form), but I haven’t tried it with non-Google fonts. Just replace the url and font-family values with those of your chosen font.

@import url('');

* {
    font-family: 'Abhaya Libre', serif;
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Hi @ahribellah, thanks for the suggestion.
I am looking to use some of all the beautiful tracking free fonts out there. I made it work halfway by hosting the fonts on a subdomain of my main (custom) blog domain. But CORS only allows either to give everyone access to a resource or to give ONE external site access to a resource. So I can’t get it to work on both (where I am editing) and my custom domain without also exposing the font files to everyone else. I might opt for the “let everyone access” and maybe that works, but still I think font hosting would be very desirable.

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I’m necroing this old thread, instead of making a new one.

Does anyone have a solution for hosting a font? I’ve bought a typeface I’d like to use - but it’s not hosted anywhere else, so need to do it myself.

As is very privacy focused, being able to upload fonts where you customise your blogs (instead of going via Google Fonts, with it’s terrible privacy) would be a nice feature.

It could be like “Click here to upload fonts”, and then with a short instruction on how to point your CSS to the place the font files get put.

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As typed above, I hosted them on a small server by the same provider that supplied the domain, but this was very finicky. Now I have switched to making my blog with Zola and hosting it on Vercel.

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I’ve used a free account on cloudinary then link it as part of the CSS.

As an alternative, there is another more privacy-focused subsitute for Google Fonts:

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