Feature Request: Mastodon's Author Bylines Feature

Mastodon has introduced a non-standard OpenGraph tag which they use to show author bylines in post previews. Enabling is means adding a meta tag to a post:

<meta name="fediverse:creator" content="@accound@fediverse.example" />

This looks pretty straightforward, especially for single-author blogs. And it’s a lightway way to bridge Write.as’s limited fediverse features. With author byline indicators, people who respond to a blogpost on the fediverse can also reply to the author’s account on a service which has deeper support for that sort of thing.

Eugen has indicated that this feature no longer requires manual opt-in:

Thanks for suggesting this! We can definitely add that in, especially since we already support fediverse account validation.


Since this is now widely available with Mastodon 4.3, any chance we can get this added?

Yep, this is being worked on, but there’s a little more needed to make it function with our current system:

Write.as no supports Mastodon author attribution.

However, a post of my blog I published after the release of the feature still doesn’t show the attribution when shared on Mastodon:

I set up the Verification section of my blog’s Customize page well before the release of the attribution feature:

Do I need to do anything else?

Actually, this is a quirk of how we implemented the feature to get it launched quickly on Write.as. To fix it, you’ll need to enter your fediverse @ handle in the Verification field (e.g. @amoroso@fosstodon.org). When you save your settings, it will turn back into the URL, but we’ll have the data we need to correctly display the fediverse:creator tag.

Once you do this, note that Mastodon also might not show the author attribution without a large preview image. This is just how they do things on their end. So if you don’t normally add photos in your posts, a good way to handle this is to add a large (e.g. 1200x630 pixels) “Social Image” on your blog’s Customize page.

But yes, this feature is live now!

It’ll also be in a future WriteFreely release – current PR here:

Thanks, do you mean I need to re-enter my fediverse handle and save the changes to the Customize page?

Yep exactly

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I re-entered my fediverse handle, uploaded a 1400x1400 Social Image, published a post with a 1920x1080 image, and shared the post on Mastodon. The Mastodon post still doesn’t have the author byline.

I published another post and, although both the post and the blog apparently fulfill the requirements, there’s still no byline when sharing on Mastodon. I don’t know what’s wrong with my setup.