Cross posting To Mastodon & Threads (Premium Feature)

Would it be possible to have add a premium feature that would allow us to cross post to other platforms like Mastodon & Threads‽

I know using API’s frequently can be expensive at scale, which is why it could be an add on for $1-$5 per month. I currently am experimenting with other platforms who use cross posting & their prices start at $10 a month (many of them are higher).

I only ask this because WordPress offers cross posting to both Mastodon & Threads via their Jetpack plugin. I thought it would be cool to do the same, albeit with a caveat.

Cross posting could include a signature which would display the title, link, WriteFreely Fediverse handle, & emoji.


Super duper awesome title :on: :newspaper:

I think cross posting to other platforms with our handle attached could help increase subscribers to our WriteFreely websites.

Basically what I am asking is similar to what Mastofeed ( provides, but posted immediately to Threads & Mastodon instead of waiting five minuets. Thanks for reading!

In the past we’ve had cross-posting to Twitter, so I could definitely see this being a useful addition! Threads definitely makes sense to me, especially while they still work on their fediverse support.

I’m just not sure if Mastodon makes sense, since posts go directly out to the fediverse when people follow your blog from there… Or would you want the ability to share the link directly on your personal Mastodon account?

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Sharing a link to both Mastodon & Threads would be great as not everyone runs their own Mastodon instance on their domain, but many people may run WriteFreely upon their own domain.

Mastodon & Threads could help broadcast the post to a wider audience in the Fediverse. The only reason I mentioned adding the user handle of the WriteFreely blog was because not every Fediverse platform will include author attributes, so including the user handle would allow people on Mastodon & (in the future) Threads subscribe to the blogs directly, helping to build an audience on WriteFreely.