Creating a title index page?

I forgot to set the post’s language. Which underscores the need for a blog-wide default language setting.

Back to the mobile layout of the archive page, another option may be to remove the months and days of the posts altogether on small screens.

:partying_face: :wave: :kissing:

  • Are you okay with it living at the /archive/ URL, or would you like to customize the page slug? (Maybe you’d like to use index or “archive” in the same language as your blog.)

Would prefer using “index”

  • Would you like to be able to customize the archive page itself, e.g. by setting your own title and text around it?

yes please, adding some markdown text above and/or below would be great

  • Would you always want this link to live in your navigation bar?

Yes please!

  • If so, are you okay with it saying “Archive”, or would you want to customize this?

I prefer “index”

  • A drop down (or maybe a sidebar of links?)

Yes please

  • prefer the archive page to match blog’s theme

Yes please

  • better (mobile) layout. maybe the dates …

Could I suggest to start with the dates? So have the dates before the post title? Maybe have the date in ISO, like 10 JUN and 10 AUG?

  • blog-wide default language setting

Yes please

Right now the list is limited to 40 titles with the “older” link somewhat lost at the bottom. If I could I’d set it at 80 or 100 posts, and have the “older” link more referenced.

I would add a selection of 5 or 6 # at the top.

And finally, I love it when javascript is not needed, so that people browsing without javascript still have a fab experience.

Hey Matt,

Thanks for this. I strongly prefer archive over index, which to me smacks very much of index.html and rankles the caveman HTML developer in me.

A different date format might be nice, as would some form of “by year” or “by month,” but I don’t feel strongly about any of that. I’ll probably keep using my own hacked-up-css version for now, mostly because I’m used to its quirks.

Did /archive end up shipping as a feature for Pro? I am on the free trial and trying to evaluate if has an Archive or Index page, and can’t seem to find the functionality.

I would prefer a first-party Index or Archive pinned Page so that I don’t need to create and maintain a manual list in my own Post.

I’m planning on upgrading, but it would help to be able to try it first during the trial.


Edit: Got it working by adding /archive to the end of the URL, like Matt said. A good example of using it in action, side-by-side with Hashtags, is by markwyner Explore — Mark W.rites (thanks, Mark!)

One Question: Is there a way to link to this Archive in the heading of the blog, like a pinned Post? I would like to be able to do that, otherwise I am not sure how people would find the archive page. I’ve made a feature request here: Blog-level setting to Pin the /archive Page (Pro Feature)