I am absolutely loving Write.as! As of today, I’m a Pro user just starting my blog. Write.as is a beautiful and ethical service, and it makes me excited about blogging and reading blogs again.
I generally don’t like it when websites use analytics (though open-source and instance-based/self-hosted Google Analytics alternatives like Matomo are definitely better), and though I recognize they can be useful, I would rather not have these analytics on my own site.
Since I use a custom domain, my adblocker (the Brave Browser), flags Matomo as a third-party cookie/tracker. I would like to be able to disable these analytics for my own blog, as knowing how many hits (server-side) my posts have received is more than enough for me, and I don’t want to collect any data I don’t have to for maximum respect of privacy.
Thank you all for providing such an awesome service.