Banned IP because abusive activity


i have some trouble when i want to publish my writing on write as. they banned my IP for abusive activity but i never wrote anything about abusive. I guess it must be the words “rough sketch” when i typed the tittle, but the story has nothing to do with abusive content and the word “rough sketch” have similitary with raw content.



I get that error when using a VPN or TOR connection. Unfortunately although most of users are concerned about privacy, it seems that VPN and TOR make things a bit more complicated not only to create a post but even delete one.

I didn’t spend the time to try contacting “” as usually I am short of time. Workaround (if exposing your IP is not an issue) is to disconnect from the VPN or TOR connection.

Maybe someone could tell us how to use VPN or TOR networks without getting this error.

I’m sorry but i don’t quite understand

Hi @Agurihana1342, I just sent you a private message that should help fix that for you.

@anastasios if you want to access with Tor, the best way is via our onion site (also listed on our privacy policy page):


Thanks @matt good to know that. I had searched for this info at the “Getting Started” and the “How-Tos” page at some point.
This is another issue but since it came up I’ll mention it. It would be nice to have all this kind of information gathered in one place, with a “Search box” available. It seems that useful information is spread on different pages.
