Controlling number of posts on the front page?

In this post a side question was about how to control the number of posts displayed on the front page. Currently it defaults to 10, but for the LM Jargon File, I would prefer to have the number of posts on the front page set to 1.

Anyone know how to do that? I would rather not use custom JavaScript, but if there’s no other choice, I’d do that.

Note that this “blog” is hosted on

Thanks for any suggestions!

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Well, this is kinda skanky, but:

article {
    visibility: hidden;

article:first-of-type {
    visibility: visible;

seems to do the job. Now I just need to figure out how to get rid of the “Older” at the bottom…

Edit to add:

#paging {
    visibility: hidden;

hides that. Ugly, but it seems to work.