XMPP: Post to PubSub


In XMPP, using PubSub(1) (XEP-0060), it is possible to store posts as Atom Syndication(2) entries into XMPP(3).

There are several XMPP extensions that apply it, namely XEP-0227 (4) and XEP-0472 (5) which make node urn:xmpp:microblog:0 as a common choice to manage news for client accounts (e.g. blog@writefreely.org), yet a component account (e.g. pubsub.writefreely.org) may use all of its nodes for this purpose.

|-- updates/
    |-- Sombre
     `-- Varied
|-- releases/
 `-- events/
pubsub service/
|-- node/
    |-- item
     `-- item
|-- node/
 `-- node/

A go library that can be utilized would be go-xmpp.

I have made a script that realizes viewing PubSub node items as Atom XML feeds over HTTP.

XEP-0060: Publish-Subscribe
RFC 4287: The Atom Syndication Format
Atom Over XMPP
XEP-0277: Microblogging over XMPP
XEP-0472: Pubsub Social Feed
PubSub Over HTTP

As Iā€™m running OpenFire XMPP, Iā€™d be very interested in what your doing but Iā€™m not very good at this stuff. (I can do PHP all day, but XMPP and JS are not easy for me).

It looks like you might be using XMPP for comments, maybe?

As Iā€™m running OpenFire XMPP, Iā€™d be very interested in what your
doing but Iā€™m not very good at this stuff. (I can do PHP all day, but
XMPP and JS are not easy for me).

I can assist at any time. Albeit, I code in Python, mostly.

It looks like you might be using XMPP for comments, maybe?

Do you mean, myself to post to this thread?

Or do you as whether it is possible to use PubSub for comments too?

It is indeed posible to use the PubSub system for both publishing posts
and comments.

I can do PHP all day, but XMPP and JS are not easy for me.

For PHP, there is a duscussion at project Chyrp Lite

Do not get excited about the image I have posted there. It was only to
realize that there is a little challenge of XMPP and PHP, due to a lack
of prevelency.

Because, I suppose, Write is not constantly running, it is surely
possible to add code to send data to XMPP PubSub node on demand.

  • I wonder why then I have not posted a reference to PHP instead.

By the way, if you want to work with JS, I can help.

I am probably capable to take that task.

Which reminds me that I should add ā€œWriteā€ to the instances list of the
Greasemonkey script ā€œProxy Redirectā€.

I was reading someplace how someone was working with Matrix to be an ActivityPub DM. That gave me the idea that people could post comments in WriteFreely and it could go a XMPP group or something like that maybe.

Mostly, our network uses PHP. I suck with anything else. Last week, I got WriteFreely working by having a Public system with read only access and a privet system that is only available to our LAN/VPN people.

The problem is I get lost with OpenFire and other languages. Iā€™ve installed that PubSub to our system but that is as far as Iā€™ve gotten before I got lost again.

So, if you would like, we can chat @ xmpp:bob@mpaq.org ENCRYPTED even :stuck_out_tongue:

Note: Iā€™ve also seen how someone was able to make dynamic links to other blogs using JS but Iā€™ve not figured that out yet and since its just my blogs at the moment, that is on hold.

So, I found that WriteFreely hack:
