Still no archive page?

I’m not a heavy blogger though I did accumulate bunch of blog posts over they years, and served me well.

But number of my bposts grows, and more and more I need an Archive/Index Page of some kind. I do not have time to deal custom Archive Page Generators. That’s ridiculous. That’s one the most basic blogging functionality. Once in a blue moon when I make a post, the server has to update some page and then let me pin it somewhere.

I am really happy about everything else in, but because of that I’m planning to move soon to a similar alternative that recently launched. Similar pricing, similar minimum feel etc. BUT with archive page. I’m upset about it myself, because it’s some extra work, but oh well.

Matt is planning to address this. He recently shared a roadmap for but I don’t have it handy.

I don’t think this is ever going to happen in W.a

Sorry, this was quietly rolled out a few months ago! Just didn’t make a broad announcement then.

You can find your Archive page by adding /archive/ to the end of your blog’s URL, e.g.


It’s a great feature. But it feels unfinished as the style of the archive doesn’t match the blog theme and a link to the archive is missing from the navigation bar

Cheers Matt. I didn’t realise we had one in W.a. This is sufficient for me.

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