
Hi I decided to join as I noticed the posting about helping with the Swift client app development:

I would like to promote this further, there is a local group to me in Torbay Looking for opportunities for young people to gain experience, i am trying to suggest people get involved with free software projects,

I did may a blog post to help me promote the above opportunity and added some extra info so people can find out what Swift is, how to learn some basics

Other than that I can’t really help with the coding stuff, so will ask Would it be a good idea for people to join this forum , in the first instance if they wanted to help with the above project.? or the project in general?

Another reason for being here is I am using so hopefully it is a good way to keep updated on what version / features are implemented as this is a really good, simple, lightweight but efficient platform.

Hopefully I can contribute in some way.



Hi @PaulSutton! I’m happy to hear that you’re interested in the project, and the forums are a great place for contributors to discuss. There’s a topic here where anyone interested in the project can chime in.

And with projects like this, there’s more ways to contribute than just writing code! There’s documentation, bug reports, feature requests — all manner of things, and each help improve the project as a whole.

Thank for this, I will promote further. I have made a blog post so am keeping this updated and will repost from time to time so it is nearer the top of the post list (i like the fact this is really easy to do on writefreely)

I have added the link to my blog post, and earlier on to day let my contacts at the Torbay Children and young people partnership (CYPP) know about the project, there HAS to be some young people in Torbay who are app / swift developers, (even if self taught) so they may be interested in this.

So they are working with alt/work to seek opportunities, for me experience needs to be significant, the odd day here / there isn’t good enough but being part of any free software project should open up doors.

They are on twitter
Website info is here

I agree with you, as more of a basic coder, I am better off trying to find bugs or creating documentation etc, so running code club is ideal for me as it is basic, but I know that the doors will open for people. But documentation is equally if not more important, as without it , people can’t make the best of any software or hardware.

Hopefully people will read the bit that says join this forum and ask. :slight_smile:
