Anonymous / accountless submission in WriteFreely?

I’m looking for a tool for self-hosting solution where users can upload short writing pieces (with tags) with the absolute minimum amount of friction. Something between a PasteBin and a microblog.

When I saw’s “anonymous submissions without accounts” feature, I realized it was exactly what I was looking for. But I can’t find any references to it anywhere in the WriteFreely documentation.

Does WriteFreely support these features from (anonymous submissions / accountless submissions) Are there plans for WriteFreely to support these features? Is there anything I can do to help this support happen?

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Does WriteFreely support these features from (anonymous submissions / accountless submissions)


Are there plans for WriteFreely to support these features? Is there anything I can do to help this support happen?

Dunno. @matt and the Write.As/Snap.As/Remark.As team are focused on growing their paid platform (gotta pay the bills ya know), so attention on the WriteFreely community edition is… well… it happens sometimes. The last update to WF was back in November. There’s a couple of people over in the github who appear to be making merge/pull requests, but I haven’t seen a new build recently. I’m trying to get WriteFreely to compile natively on Windows (to get around the Docker cross compile tool chain issue that is known) but Im run into a few go dependency issues Im not making much progress in solving. If I can figure THOSE out, I plan on starting on some of my own features (simple built-in image hosting and reusable markdon snippets/macros for example).

Having said that - I am curious as to what you envision “anonymous submissions without accounts” being? Just a public bulletin board? Cork board at the library kindof thing? You could accomplish this with WF with a “public” user who’s password is “password” - that would allow anyone to modify previous submissions however.

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