Was able to add Hyvor Talk using the custom JavaScript below. But as salis has mentioned above, it is pretty bloated. They also no longer have a free plan. I was just lucky that I signed up for one before they changed their plans. So I managed to keep my free plan.
// src: https://talk.hyvor.com/web-api/embed
url: false,
id: false
var hyvorTalkDiv = '<div id="hyvor-talk-view"></div>'
if (document.getElementById("post-body")) {
document.getElementsByTagName("article")[0].insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', hyvorTalkDiv);
I compared your custom JavaScript to one where utterances is working and the only difference I see is on this line: comments.setAttribute('label', 'NE');
Robert Xu has it working on his blog and he uses comments.setAttribute('label', 'write.as');.
Thank you dino for the answer, but the NE label isn’t really an issue. Just found that there is a conflict between utterances and two others custom javascript codes… don’t know why though.
Try moving the scripts for utterances to the top of your Custom JavaScript entries so it will run first. If I’m not mistaken, the scripts are evaluated top to bottom.
Then I adapted Robert Xu code to prevent the comment section to appear under pinned post and it works well, no more conflict. Here is the code for the fictive domain name “yourdomain.com”, three pinned post named “menu”, “about” and “contact” and the dark theme.
PS: well, in fact there is still some conflict with the two other javascript code. Fixed ! Just needed to add “/page” into the prevent list of pinned posts. But still need to put it at the top !
I’ve wanted @mention/Webmention support on Hypothes.is for a long time. I had URL hacked my way into a solution a while back but never wrote about it.
I was reminded today that one can subscribe to an RSS/ATOM feed of annotations on their site (or any site for that matter) using the feed format https://hypothes.is/stream.rss?wildcard_uri=https://www.example.org/* and replacing the example.org URL with the desired one. Nota bene: the /* at the end makes the query a wildcard to find anything on your site. If you leave it off you’ll only get the annotations on your homepage.
If you’re using Hypothes.is in an off-label use case as a commenting system on your website, this can be invaluable. I recall Tom Critchlow and CJ Eller trying this out in the past.
To go a step further, one can also use this scheme to get a feed of @mentions of their Hypothes.is username too. If I’m not mistaken, based on some preliminary tests, this method should work for finding username both with and without the @ being included.
These are a few interesting tidbits for those who are using Hypothes.is not only for the social annotation functionality, but as a social media site or dovetailing it with their own websites and related workflows.
I’ve explored Remark.as but I’d like to find a way of adding comments inline to blog posts. I’ve tentatively tried a couple of solutions but by problem is getting them to actually work. And I want to know they will work before I commit, so I’m in a bit of a Catch-22 situation.
For example, if I paste the sample code from https://fastcomments.com into the custom Javascript field in my blog (mattpedals.bike) I get nothing at all showing up.
What am I doing wrong? And how can I get it to work. If @support or anyone else can help I’d be grateful. (Bear in mind I’m not technical, so need a cut and paste solution. Thanks.)
This needs to be typed inside your blog posts, or can be added via the Signature feature.
<div id="fastcomments-widget"></div>
The part that I think won’t work for this is this piece: // src: https://cdn.fastcomments.com/js/embed-v2.min.js. I don’t think you can import JavaScript like that. There has to be a different option from fastcomments to embed their script.
Thanks @matt. I’ve done exactly that (JS in custom JS box, div in post) for this post and it’s just blank at the foot of the post where the comments box should appear.